06 Jul PR Starts with You
Many think that successful public relations (PR) efforts are solely the result of ingenious strategy and perfectly timed implementation. While that’s partially true, your outward appearance has a considerable effect on PR. We all have bad days when we’re running late, and once we finally get to work, realize that we forgot some documents at home, or even worse, didn’t brush our teeth! But one bad day can create a nearly permanent bad image of your company.
You know the basics of presenting yourself well: have good hygiene, dress appropriately, and be neat. Here are a few “advanced” tips to making stunning impressions:
1. Update your look to be in sync with the latest fashions. You don’t need a new wardrobe, just a new accessory or hairstyle that says you live in this decade, not the last one. An up-to-date look tells others that you’re on top of things.
2. Maintain eye contact when speaking with others to project confidence and strength.
3. Have good posture. Standing up straight shows others that you’re self-assured and interested in your job.
4. Pay attention to detail. A wrinkled shirt or chipped nail polish can turn a great look into a sloppy one.
5. Know your products, company and industry. A well-informed employee is the best ambassador for a business.
Lastly, remember to smile. A smile never hurts and can say a thousand good words in a few seconds. Add these tips to your Public Relations strategy and you’ll have a powerful PR punch!
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