03 May Event Promotion Packages
Posted at 22:41h
in Basic Public Relations, Great Ideas, Non-Profit Organizations, Small Businesses PR
The success of an event greatly relies on its marketing and promotion. In fact, in our previous blog post, we discuss the recent article about the Philadelphia Orchestra’s bankruptcy filing, the organization’s President Alison Vulgamore said, “…We actually have not marketed our concerts very well, and not spent sufficient funds on marketing.”
We want all businesses and organizations to succeed with their events. To that end, we offer Event Promotion Packages ranging from $1,500 to $5,000. If your event needs a larger-scale, customized PR plan, we can do that as well, or add services to the set packages (priced separately). Depending on your budget and staffing, our job ranges from guiding you through the implementation to coordinating all of it.
Contact us today at info@fmpr.net to request our Event Promotion Packages price list and to find out how we can help you meet your event’s attendance and financial goals.
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