Bringing It Full Circle

Bringing It Full Circle

We’ve been in business for nearly eleven years and for ten of them, we’ve been writing a column for “Kaua`i Business Report” (KBR). KBR was the brainchild of Peter and Jane McClaran, who came up with the idea to have a publication just for Kaua`i businesses, a brilliant concept that served to highlight and elevate local business.  When KBR became a production of “The Garden Island,” Rita DeSilva was the editor and made the KBR into a colorful, positive, well-read publication.  It has been an honor to write a column under these fore-parents of such a classy and valuable paper, and our pleasure to work with all of the editors since in providing free PR tips for our island.

Over the years, KBR has illustrated the fact that Kaua`i business can be high quality, innovative, and every bit as competent and effective as businesses in the rest of the state and country. For that, we offer a big mahalo to all of those who have been involved with it.

Last month we talked about collaborating to win. This month, we’d like to take that one step further and suggest that local businesses patron and refer each other. Just as KBR pulled all of us together in a business community on paper, we can do the same thing by getting to know our fellow local businesses and doing everything we can to help each other succeed.  In that way, we can create a thriving business community, which is a grand legacy to leave for our future generations.

Aloha and mahalo to KBR and we look forward to being part of its evolution in “The Garden Island.”


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