16 Aug Facebook Page for Businesses
Have you considered creating a Facebook page for your business, but aren’t sure where to start? Here is a link to a good Facebook page primer that’ll get your business up and communicating to your publics on Facebook quickly and easily.
Ten Steps for Creating a FANtastic Facebook Fan Page
by Mari Smith
Remember, while Facebook offers a free platform to interact with your target publics, businesses that are serious in maximizing the benefits of a Facebook presence need to commit time and effort to activitely participating in this community. Just because you set up a Facebook page, doesn’t automatically mean that your revenue will increase. Same as in a person-to-person relationship, you’ll need to genuinely interact, be present, and maintain your Facebook relationships to generate good feelings, trust, and respect between your company and your Facebook fans. In doing so, you will be able to build your brand, a better understanding of your customers, and thus, your business.
Do you already have a Facebook page for your business? If so, let us know some of the benefits that you’ve reaped as a result of your Facebook presence.
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