Garden Kim Chee
For those of you who have gardens, there comes a time when everything is going off and you need to find something to do with all of it. Give away some of it, yes, but also consider making things that use a lot garden harvest and that keep a long time. Kim chee is one of those things. My kim chee recipe is a combination of several, namely, "The Korean Kitchen" by Copeland Marks wth Manjo Kim and Tyler Florence, who I've found has excellent tips on international dishes. A few notes about kim chee: according to "The Korean Kitchen," kim chee has seven components including a hot or sweet chili taste, saltiness, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, astringency, and any ingredient that will intensify or enhance flavor. The great thing about kim chee is that the salt in it softens all kinds of greens, even ones that have gotten a little tough from late harvesting. In my recipe, I use kale, bok choy, radicchio (Italian chicory), and chard, plus I add garlic chives and green onions, which I also grow. My husband, who lived in Korea while he was in the Air Force, likes the bitter greens because he says it tastes more authentic than the pure cabbage kim chee that we buy in the store.
25 August, 2009