By Jenny Fujita and Joy Miura Koerte, Fujita & Miura Public Relations
Over the years, there have been several invaluable resources that we’ve turned to again and again to help us create PR plans for our clients, and to assist us with our own business. We wanted to share those with you because we believe they’ll help you, too. They are:
1) Hawaiian Dictionary by Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert Whether you’re creating a Hawaiian program name or need to translate a Hawaiian word or concept, this is the definitive guide.
2) Place Names of Hawai`i by Mary Kawena Pukui
A good way to honor our host culture (Hawaiian) is by using the proper Hawaiian diacriticals in place names. If you need to hear proper pronunciations, listen to KONG Radio’s Ron Wiley who makes a point to get them right. For example, it’s not Poipu, it’s Po`ipu. You need the `okina or glottal stop in there to say it correctly. To make things easier when you’re creating written pieces on your computer, open a new Word document and write all the most common Hawaiian words you use with the `okinas in the right places, and then add those words to your dictionary. That way, you don’t have to stop every time to add the `okina And please note, an `okina slants from left to right and a symbol similar to a proper `okina is found on most keyboards on the top left. It is not an apostrophe.3) The Kaua`i General Plan
Read this document and have your managers read it, too to learn about the Vision for Kaua`i 2020 and the resulting themes from Caring for Land, Water, and Culture to Developing Jobs and Businesses; Preserving Kauai’s Rural Character; Enhancing Towns and Communities and Providing for Growth; Building Public Facilities and Services; Improving Housing, Parks, and Schools; and Implementation. The prelude to The Kaua`i General Plan explains, “The themes emerged from public discussion and development of the 2020 vision statement.” It is critical that businesses small and large understand how the local community collaboratively visualizes Kauai’s future so that we can all align with that vision and make it happen. Read the Kaua`i General Plan for free here.4) The Kaua`i County website
Go to www.kauai.gov and you’ll find almost everything you need to know about what’s going on in Kaua`i County from events to job opportunities, County Council and commission agendas and minutes, e-services, licensing and permitting guidelines, emergency information, and much more. The website has been lauded as one of the best government websites in the state so take advantage of this resource.5) The Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism describes itself as being “Hawaii’s resource center for economic and statistical data, business development opportunities, energy and conservation information, and foreign trade advantages.” Access the Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism for a plethora of information.
6) FMPR.net
And of course, for seven year’s worth of free PR tips, visit our PR Tips section of our website. New public relations tips are posted monthly so visit often for information that will benefit your business. We have also added links to Google as well as Amazon.com to enhance your web experience and connect you to items that are relevant to topics on our website.
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